Activate Your Soul Plan through The Brilliance of Your akashic records
Welcome to Akashic Roots by jamie Bulrice
Akashic Records Readings
The Akashic Records are a dimension of consciousness that holds a vibrational archive of each soul and its journey. An Akashic Record reading gives you specific guidance on how to heal, change, and deeply transform your life so you can live your soul’s purpose.
Beyond Quantum Healing
Beyond Quantum Healing is a heart-centered, multi-dimensional, creative, and energetic approach assisting you in gaining a deeper understanding of your present life, resulting in an expanded perspective, and a sense of deep wisdom, clarity, and healing.
Learn How to Read the Akashic Records.
Join me on this extraordinary adventure, and together, we'll unlock and gain access to the wisdom of your Akashic Records. Get ready to discover the deepest truths about yourself, and your soul’s purposes.
Akashic Records Reader & Teacher
Beyond Quantum Healing
Past Life Regression Therapy