Past life regression - bqh
Below are the most frequently asked questions about Beyond Quantum Healing Hypnosis. Whether you're seeking clarity about the process, curious about the experiences you might encounter, or wondering about the transformative potential within you, our FAQ will guide you on the path to quantum healing and self-discovery.
Beyond Quantum Healing Hypnosis (BQH) is a transcendent journey, a profound expansion of traditional Quantum Healing Hypnosis techniques. It is a holistic approach that embraces the limitless potential of your soul, offering a path to deep healing and spiritual awakening.
At its core, BQH is not confined by rigid protocols or structures. Instead, it flows like a river, adapting to your unique spiritual and energetic needs. This method integrates various healing modalities and wisdom traditions, allowing for a more personalized and intuitive session. It's like a dance of the soul, where the practitioner and you move in harmony with the universe's subtle energies.
In BQH, we venture beyond the boundaries of time and space, exploring not just past lives but also parallel realities, future possibilities, and higher dimensional experiences. It's an exploration of your multidimensional self, uncovering the layers of your consciousness and connecting you with your higher self, spirit guides, and the universal source of love and wisdom.
This practice is about empowerment and self-discovery. It's an invitation to unlock the doors of your innermost being, to heal past traumas, to discover your soul's purpose, and to embrace the fullness of your spiritual journey. BQH is a beacon of light, guiding you to a place where healing occurs at the deepest level, where transformation is not just possible but inevitable.
In the nurturing space of Akashic Roots, BQH becomes a sacred journey of the heart and soul, a voyage to the essence of your being, where true healing and enlightenment await.
This method is very flexible, based on the principle that each person is unique. It can easily be adapted to the requirements of each client and each session, to look for the most positive outcome.
Yes. It is non-intrusive, conducted while the person is awake, alert, and in complete control, and with heightened awareness. It has no side effects. You are simply in a state of focused attention. Your mind is focused, while your body is very relaxed. Most people are not aware that they undergo self-hypnosis every day, for example, when their mind wanders during a commute to work, when showering, during meetings, while watching TV, reading a book, and daydreaming in general. Rest assured, that morals and ethics remain intact, as does your sense of privacy. The hypnotist needs your collaboration, which means it can NOT be done against your will. You would not reveal information you do not wish to share. It is only a myth that people in a trance are not under the control. In fact, you cannot be put in a trance state, if you do not wish to. All hypnosis is self-hypnosis. It feels like a normal conversation with a friend, sharing your thoughts, while having your eyes closed, being focused, and totally relaxed.
Do not expect to feel any different while in a relaxed state, it will feel like any other conversation. You will be aware of the room you are in, any sounds, and people around you. It is normal to remember everything once you come out of a trance.
Only about 3% of people tend to go to a deep somnambulistic hypnotic state, where they will not remember anything. Frankly, it is not a state we wish to accomplish, since communication is very slow & difficult at this level. If it were to happen, you will receive a full video and/or audio documentation of your session, and you will have plenty of time to process every detail and word that took place after the session.
Past Life Regression is a technique where the practitioner conducts a session, and your Higher Self knows exactly what you need to see and experience for your optimal growth. The practitioner will guide you with a series of questions from the first scene viewed, throughout the various periods of the life, and eventually to what your Higher Consciousness chooses to show you is always relevant to your current life.
Even if you do not believe in a past life, it is OK. It is important to remember, that your subconscious might create images or a story to communicate an important message. Just go with it, without judgment, knowing that your session is recorded, and you will have plenty of time to analyze the images and messages given after the session.
No. Beliefs are not relevant to a Past Life Regression session. The session will be a journey of 'your reality', adapted to what is important and true to you. It is your Self navigating the journey, and it only wants what is best for you. Your deeper subconscious mind is to help you reach balance, fulfillment, health, understanding, and happiness.
This part of you knows all. It is much, much more complex than the subconscious mind. It is an immense resource of wisdom that can bring real meaning and purpose to your life. Your Higher Self can answer any and every question you have. It knows everything there is to know about you and the life you are living now. It provides you with comfort, support, and greater understanding in all areas of your life. The Higher Self will only choose to share information that is appropriate and information that can only benefit you, in this now moment. If it is appropriate, this part of you is also able to provide physical and emotional healing.
Most people remember everything, some bits, and pieces, very few forget the entire experience. Regardless, the audio and/or video of your session will be recorded, and you will be given a digital file documenting your session to re-experience and study at your convenience.
It is an amazing experience that brings physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional healing. You will let go of what no longer serves you. The session will leave you feeling refreshed and lighter, as stagnant energy is released, so you can fully step into your life purpose. It can show you who you used to be in your other lives. It might give you a deeper understanding of why you were faced with certain challenges or illnesses, and help you find appropriate solutions. It can find the cause of unexplained emotions, anxieties, and fears. Quantum healing removes blocked energy - it balances and aligns the chakra system, clears, and releases anything of a low frequency and vibration. We will flood your system with pure source light to begin the healing process. It can help you understand why you are experiencing difficult relationships and bring them to resolution.
Regression can explain your attraction or dislikes for people, objects, or places. It will help you find lost items and even lost time. It can help you find gifts and abilities that you have had in the past and forgot in this life. It can help you overcome physical challenges if it is appropriate. If not, you will certainly gain lots of understanding. A regression can help you with psychosomatic symptoms including depression, addictions, anxieties, and phobias. It might help you find your life purpose and direction, help you discover the most optimal version of yourself, heal, empower, and improve all and any aspects of your life.
You cannot be induced if you do not really want to be. Willingness, trust, cooperation, and intention are very important. You might not be able to be induced if you will be heavily medicated or under influence (drugs, alcohol). The induction will not be performed, if you are under age, had a recent heart attack, you were diagnosed with mental illness or condition, or if, for whatever reason, you are not able to make your own decisions. Otherwise, as long as you can remember any memory, (like, recalling events from yesterday), you will naturally progress into a focused attention state - a trance state; which is ultimately what we want to achieve. So, trust yourself, trust in your own abilities, be open-minded and all will go well.
Most of the time, a hypnotized person does NOT feel hypnotized. It feels as if you’re talking with eyes closed and simply being focused on the topic discussed. So, allow yourself to go through this experience without expectations and judgment. There is probably a higher reason why you subconsciously were led to this session and it’s time for you are to have this experience.
Approach it with an open mind and a heart-felt curiosity, with zero expectations. Like anything, as soon as you remove any expectations from a pending experience it has the opportunity to pleasantly surprise you as it unfolds.