How to Prepare for a Past life regression-bqh session
How to prepare for a BQH -Beyond Quantum Healing Session
For a smooth and uninterrupted session you will need:
1. High-Speed internet
2. Desktop computer with camera or laptop connected to the power outlet.
(no tablets or iPhones, please)
2. Google Meet is the conference call platform used for the session. A link will be emailed to your prior to the session.
3. USB headset with microphone reaching to your mouth (no earbuds, no built-in microphone, please).
4. Quiet place where you won't be disturbed by anyone for a couple of hours. Sessions generally last about 3 hours depending on your unique set of circumstances. I suggest keeping the entire day free of important plans to allow time for integration & reflection.
Though it isn’t necessary to do anything special to prepare for a session, here are a few suggestions to create a more optimal, powerful, and memorable experience:
Approach your session with an open mind and heart with no expectations. When you remove expectations from the experience, miracles can happen!
Feeling is your Friend. Allow yourself to feel aaaall that you need to feel, becoming aware of any sensations - physically and emotionally. It could be anything you did not notice before, like anxiety, pain, etc. If you give it a chance, your body might be 'telling' you what you need to work on during your session.
Warm-up by listening to Guided Meditation audio recording, widely available on YouTube, to exercise your visualization, imagination, and daydreaming. These are the tools you will use during the session.
Set your intention on what you wish to focus on during the session. We should be able to work on 3-5 issues per session. It can be anything.
Common topics include:
o Any Emotional, Physical, and Mental Symptoms you are experiencing
o Relationship issues and concerns
o Fears, Traumas, Behavioral Patterns
o Career/Life Purpose
o Dreams
o Healing Ancestral Patterns
o Closure with Loved Ones – still living or who have passed
o Accidents, Past Traumas
o Ascension and New Earth, Personal and Collective Development
o Concurrent Timelines/Past Lives/Future Possibilities
The night before & the day of your session please refrain from drinking alcohol and using any recreational drugs as you need to be focused for the session. If you drink caffeine, limit your use on the day of your session. If you normally have 3 cups of coffee in the morning, try just having one.
Eat well, but light before the session. The session could be 3 hours or longer. Clean and Live foods are recommended and drink lots of water.
Your session will be video recorded. You may remember some, all, or various parts of your session, so listening to the recording several times is important to help process and further integrate the changes and transformation.
Prepare yourself, to be honest, open, and ready to share personal and possibly painful details, understanding that it is, most likely, where your soul most needs to heal. The session is a safe, confidential space where we aim to help you heal with what’s pending for your soul and without judgment. Please note that your practitioner is not doing the healing. You are healing yourself in this guided experience.
The power of this experience is that it is You telling You what the root causes and issues are and how the healing is occurring. I am only the facilitator and your assistant in the process.