Akashic Records Reading
Below is an overview of the Akashic Records and how they can best assist you. Whether you’re seeking clarity with your career, and relationships, or learning about the nature of the Akasha, this will guide you.
What Are the Akashic Records?
The Akashic Records are a dimension of consciousness that holds a vibrational archive of each soul and its journey. They’re energetic records of every thought, feeling, experience, and circumstance throughout your soul’s existence. Your Akashic Record reading will reveal the vibrational record of your Soul throughout all of its incarnated experiences - all of your lifetimes. An Akashic Record readings focused on the root cause of a situation, our part in it, and practical, methodical action steps for changing the situation moving forward. It breaks you open to a deeper understanding of yourself. This information allows you to move forward with clarity and connection to the truer aspects of yourself, leading you to a happier and more fulfilled life.
The word “Akasha” is a Sanskrit word meaning, “primary substance,” out of which all things are formed.
What is the power of the akashic records?
The field of the Akasha is timeless. It encompasses all time: past, present, and future potentials. It is a field of unconditional love, understanding, and compassion. The Akasha is free of fear and judgment. The energy and information from your Akashic Records align you with your core Soul-level Truth. This information will elicit greater meaning and guidance with relationship dynamics, a connection with higher wisdom, enhance your spiritual growth, unlock hidden talents, heal ancestral patterns, and remove obstacles you may be experiencing in your life.
What to expect during an Akashic Record reading
We will be working on a soul level to interpret greater meaning and guidance with relationships, career, Souls purposes, healing unwanted ancestral patterns, or any obstacles holding you back in this life. An Akashic Record reading gives you specific guidance on how to heal, change, and deeply transform your life so you can live your soul’s purpose.
By opening to your Akashic Records, you energetically align with your Highest Potential and deeply align with your Soul-level truth, which brings about healing and release of outmoded patterns in all areas of your life. You are immersed in the energies of love, compassion, and understanding while you are in your Akashic Records, which allows you to be deeply nourished, revitalized, and healed.
Receive guidance, clarity, and connection from the deepest aspect of yourself, receive the answers you seek, and experience alignment to live a happier and more fulfilled life.
We will be looking at your questions from the perspective of your soul. Akashic Records Readings can guide and assist you in understanding who you are on a Soul-level, and help you see your current obstacles and situations from your Soul's perspective - lending optimal healing, guidance, resolution, and understanding.

Are You Ready to Discover Who You Truly Are?
How Are the Akashic Records Accessed?
Throughout time there have been various ways to access the Akashic Records through readings. Historically, only people who have devoted decades of rigorous spiritual training could access the Records, Ed Cayce, was a well-known mystic who accessed the Akashic Records while in a trance state. Collectively, we have now reached a higher dimension of consciousness in humanity in which the Records are accessible to anyone interested in developing a conscious relationship with their soul and their own Akashic Records. I use an invocation to access the Akashic Records, which allows me to remain in a fully conscious state during a reading.
The Akashic Records are EVERYWHERE. Your Business, Your Home, and even your Pets have Akashic Records.
Access the Akashic Records of your business to gain an understanding of its energetic vibration, the building, and its origin, your clientele or audience, what they need, and what shifts and changes your business wants.
Find out what’s going on with your fur family. Has their behavior changed lately? Do they seem “out of sorts?” Looking into their Akashic Records will give you answers to these questions.
Looking for an experienced Akashic Records Reader?
During an Akashic Record reading your soul will be recognized, unconditionally supported, and loved. Akashic Record readings are always healing, transformational, gentle, and uplifting. Akashic Records readings are very interactive and conversational. This will be a conversation about an area of your life that you would like to explore and experience the most meaningful shifts and changes in. Book a consultation with me now to start your journey.

Wondering How to Prepare for Your Akashic Records Reading?
Akashic Records Readings Testimonials
“Jamie is a lovely woman with a kind, warm, and open heart, she gave me insights on my blind spots that I need to work on, through my Akashic Records and my guides, which was so needed to grow more consciously and in this human experience. Thank you Jamie for this gift you gave me! Keep on helping people with this, the world needs it!”
- Daphne
“I just had an Akashic Records reading with Jamie and WOW!! She's amazing and created a safe, loving space to open up and be vulnerable. She was so spot on with answering my questions, filling in the puzzle pieces, and making my human story more complete. She offered wisdom and knowledge beyond what anyone has ever done before.. as well as tips for healing broken relationships with close family members and insight into why things have happened the way they have. My guides and loved ones were also there to offer their love and support with a beautiful message to keep going. This was a highly emotional experience and I thank you from the depths of my heart. If you're thinking about having a reading with Jamie, please don't hesitate! She's the best!”
- Tena