How the Akashic Records can Heal Ancestral Patterns

Have you ever noticed similar patterns of behavior or common themes in family dynamics? Perhaps addiction, lack of empowerment, health issues, limiting belief systems, money challenges, responsibility and ownership and so much more.

How can the Akashic Records Help?

The Akashic Records can make sense of soul patterns and contracts, clear out challenging karma and shed light on how family of origin behavior is holding you back from stepping into your power and true authentic self.

Let the Akashic Records guide you in being the first one in your family lineage to become conscious of broken patterns of behavior that are no longer serving the greater good of the family line and heal and change the course of the ancestral cycle forever!

The Akashic Records will empower you to take courageous steps in breaking limiting thought patterns and beliefs about your capabilities, talents, and overwhelming abundance in your life!


Using the Akashic Records to Align with your Soul Purposes & Path